Friday, October 2, 2020

I really don't care, do you?

i find it amusing in a sad way that the right is now squalling for people to have compassion, and to stop heing nasty, since dear leader caught the 'jusy the flu bro' virus. i mean, how dare all the 'sheep, covidiots, eager for the camps, freedumb losing, mask wearers act just like they have the past eight months! they should show solidarity for our our country and great leader at tjis time. put aside bygones and be kind. Perhaps they should, but the 'moral majority' should never have acted the way they did to begin with. Getting all enraged and insulting over a scrap of fabric, calling people names, and worse, citing 'pre existing conditions' every damn time someone died from this, just the flu, bro. Frankly, no. Im tired of the righteous right and what they want. Politics has become their god, and trump is their savior. i have personally seen people say that trump is the savior of america on several discussion boards. Sickening. You can have that 'faith', with its cruelty and insults. Christ would not be pleased, but trump laps it up. So just who is it they really serve????

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