Friday, March 3, 2017

Old Man River

Took a trip down the road today, to the Little Satilla River. Pretty fishing spot on this quiet, sluggish little waterway. Dh is going there tomorrow in hopes of fish for supper. Even though they aggravate his gout. Go figure?

Nice, right? Very primitive and unspoiled.

View of the Highway 84 bridge that the river crosses under. The scene above is behind me in this lower pic. You can drive or walk under the bridge to fish on the other side, if you choose.

Unfortunately, there are no bait shops on this side of the county. Weird. Dh will have to go to town to get crickets, then come back out here to fish. The things we do for our hobbies, eh?

Happy Weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Tammy, looks like a great place to fish with lots of quiet! Happy Wednesday!


2025 update

Still here, all seems good on the cancer scene. no symptoms, every checkup and lab is good. Hoping for a scan to definitively prove it, as ...