Friday, September 6, 2019

I did a thing...

And it was good!
At least, I hope it's good.

I made a pie! Ok, I didn't make the crust, it was premade, but I DID cook the crème filling, and toast the coconut for it. Both are firsts for me. I'm not afraid of it anymore!

Next time I"m off, and don't have to go anywhere, I'm going to attempt the crust.
Should I use Sally's recipe, from Sally's baking addiction, or another.....I have some 300 cookbooks, so there are a few possibilities, lol.

Wish me luck!

Also, today was the first day of Homeschool Co op, yay! We all met at the local park for play and a picnic. We have several new families, Ds got to hang out with his best/first/only friend, along with another that we hope to bring into the fold, lol. This is going to be a fun year for get togethers, with zoo trips, museums, forts, and an obstacle course, too!

Can't wait for every other Friday!


  1. I've never had luck with homemade pie crust. I would love to try again one of these days.

  2. Happy first day of homeschooling! Cnngrats on the coconut cream pie. One of my favorites!!! Have a wonderful week. xo Diana

    1. Thank you, sweetie! I hope you are enjoying the (hopefully) cooler weather, wherever you are!


2025 update

Still here, all seems good on the cancer scene. no symptoms, every checkup and lab is good. Hoping for a scan to definitively prove it, as ...