Saturday, September 15, 2018

Continues on apace...

Something I must do, not choose to do. Nonetheless, I am grateful for this job.
In 6 weeks, we have nearly paid our credit card off. Only 2, or maybe 1.5 more payments/weeks.
After that, we'll focus on medical bills, then after THAT, savings, God willing.

I figure, two months of work for the credit card, 3 months for the med bills, and after that, all to
savings. BUT, we all know man proposes, blah, blah, blah. I'm sure there will be interruptions to
this plan. Maybe even a halt altogether. Pray it isn't so. We need these things gone, and money to
spare for transplant, living when Dh can't work, ect.

Speaking of, I'm not sure how long he will be able to work, how far away dialysis is, IF a kidney
will come, if he'll work while on dialysis, what we'll do in the meantime, ect. Dh's parents have
helped us one week, and will again if we need it, but they cannot do that every week. Pray that he stays strong and healthy and can work a good while longer.

I know God has a plan for us, and that He's already got this worked out. It's the getting to the 'out'
part that worries me. Just how bad will it get before we get there? Sigh. Prayers for me are surely


  1. Sometimes it's hard to see what God is trying to show us through the trials of life. We know His plans are bettr than ours and oftentimes we feel ours is much better. All that to say Tammy is I'm praying for you. I wish I lived closer so I can bring you a cuppa tea!

    1. Thank you, Regina. My mind KNOWS God's got this, that His plans are good, ect. It's my heart that balks and fights and doubts.
      I am indeed, a work in progress.


2025 update

Still here, all seems good on the cancer scene. no symptoms, every checkup and lab is good. Hoping for a scan to definitively prove it, as ...