Friday, December 25, 2015


Today was a great day.

Drake woke up around 10am and was ready for gifts. 

He got from us/Santa:
three puppets (a new interest), two of them Mario and Luigi.
An Army playset with tanks, trucks and a large convo truck.
A safari set with veterinarian, truck and trailer and Zebra.
Movie of Peppa Pig Christmas
Wii U game of Duck Tales
Wii U game of Yoshi's Wooly World
Innotab game of I Spy
Board game of Operation (I can't wait to do this, honestly!)
A Peppa Pig playhouse.
Three new Chipmunk ornaments for the tree.
Lots of candy for his stocking.

So far, he's used the playhouse as a barracks, and recruited the safari man, Mario and Luigi puppets and even Daddy Pig into his army! Hilarious.

At Nana's he got:

Super Mario Maker for Wii U
Nintendo 3DS, with an extra Mario game (seeing a theme here?)
Case for the 3DS

Dh and I got clothes, gift certs, tool sets, movies and an external storage drive (me).

 It was a good day. Dh and I enjoyed time with family *before Dh went to sleep after lunch on her couch*, and  a great meal. My crockpot ham was a success, and niece and boyfriend begged for another for New Year's. 

There's no recipe, I just throw a smoked ham in the crockpot and let it go til it's falling off the bone. Much juicier and more tender than oven baking. It doesn't slice, but rather just shreds apart in chunks, but it's sooo good.

I hope you all had a blessed and joyous day as well.
Pics tomorrow.

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